Monday, January 23, 2012

My New Years Resolution

As we start another year, we all start yet another to-do (or more like to-don't) list called, of course, Resolutions. You know and I know that probably 95% of us don't accomplish everything, or even one thing, on our list, but every year we expect more out of ourselves and say "This is the year I'll finally _____". Why do we do this to ourselves? I don't know either, I was hoping you would. 
I recently read a great article about 10 New Years Resolutions Worth Trying and I found this gem of a quote that I'm going to refer to every January 1st:
"It seems to me the standard (failed) New Year’s resolution has two strikes against it right from the outset. First, it usually involves some kind of annoying self-deprivation I’m not emotionally ready for. And second, I don’t usually have the resources readily at hand to shore up my chances for success." 
With that in mind, I reexamined my personal resolutions and resolved to do one thing I know I can accomplish..... *drum roll*  ....... Rather than deprive myself of all the wonderful food out there in hopes of gaining that 'swimsuit figure' (and face it, that's never fun anyway), I instead want to capture the simple beauty of all the food I'm not denying myself! It's a real goal with added benefits and I'm up for the challenge.

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