Friday, September 3, 2010

We Miss Our Bryan

2 years ago this past Wednesday September 1st we lost a brother, best friend, boyfriend, father and partner in crime. Bryan Roy Morris lost his battle to esophgeal cancer on 9/1/2008, leaving behind a beautiful baby girl named Lilly. The only shining light (however muddled gray it may seem) is that Bryan did not suffer long but it a quick and wicked disease that took him from us in a matter of months. I will always smile when I am reminded of his voice, his funny quips, his laugh. These things can never be taken away from us.

Bryan, we think about you so often and how much of an impact you've had on our lives. It's so hard to see someone that you've grown up with, hung out with, partied with.. become victim to such a horrible disease. We all think we're invicible, that nothing can harm us or prevent us from achieving our dreams, or conquer us before we conquer the world. Alas, we are but made of dreams and dreams are a fragile thing. Thank you for making us laugh, thank you for making us live, thank you for being our friend, thank you for Lilly, and last but certainly not least.. thank you for being you, 100% of the time. Without you, there wouldn't be us. You will live on in our hearts and minds forever. WE LOVE YOU BRYAN!

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